Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Welcome to

The White Sheep

Try our in house baked donuts or other locally made baked goods.

Enjoy a brunch that is Instagram worthy in every way. Food so pretty you won't want to take a bite.


We got eggs on eggs on eggs. Create your own delicious combos or try one of our unique hash bowls.


Our master roaster spends hours obsessing over the perfect cup of coffee to keep you going.


Treat Yo Self! Grab a pick me up for yourself or the whole office and be the real MVP.


It's OK. No one will notice if you're a few minutes late for work. It's all worth it for the best damn coffee in town.

The White Sheep is in a category of its own, where the diversity of the menu and the contemporary environment is different from many of our surrounding competitors.

T.J Kremer III - Contributing Editor at the Orland Park Prairie